
Healthcare Update - July 2018

Key Highlights This Month:  

The SFY 2019 Periodic Data Match payment was made to Counties on July 12th.  See attached for allocations.

 On Monday, July 9, the Enterprise Architecture Board (EAB) made decisions related to the annual planning/implementation advance planning document updates (P/IAPD-Us). Here is an overview of the METS decision that EAB made:

  • Minnesota Eligibility Technology System (METS):
    • $45 million to support continued development based on priorities established by the METS Program Management Team (PMT) and the Integrated Human Services Modernization Executive Steering Committee (the FY18 budget to support METS development was $42M)
    • By September 1, using the DHS IT Modernization Strategic Plan as a framework, EAB shall establish priority goals for the next 1, 3 and 5 years, including how METS fits with these priorities.

The 18.2.1 release in METS occurred on July 14-15 and included several improvements in the areas of eligibility, application and user interface.  Please see attached release notes for details.

 The Benefit Recovery Section (BRS) has issued a bulletin to provide updates to Medical Assistance Third-Party Liability and Cost-Effective Health Insurance.

 HCEO is recommending that the MA/BC (breast and cervical cancer applications) be transferred to HCEO.  They are working on a process to transfer these applications from the counties over the next couple of months.

 HCEO is proposing the transition of IMD fee-for-service (FFS) piece back to HCEO similar to managed care.  They are in the process of putting together a similar process for mental health, chemical health, and providers.  Counties have posed some questions back to HCEO regarding communication, as many of the clients are also on Cash and/or Food programs.  More information to come.

 The MAXIS to METS migration clean-up has begun.  Monthly reports are being sent to Counties.

 PDM update

 Effective July 23, 2018, a new report, Estate Claim Minimum Report (ECMR), will be placed in each county’s MN-ITS mailbox every Monday.  One report will be issued for each decedent on your county’s weekly Death Data Match report.  This report will provide each county the federal minimum claim amount of Medical Assistance benefits that is recoverable and the legal basis to initiate recovery on each decedent.  Counties will need to evaluate each case to determine whether to initiate recovery using only the ECMR or using the comprehensive Estate Paid Claims History (EPCH) package that is available through DHS.  The EPCH report package includes the maximum amount of recoverable claims.

 DHS has updated policy, procedures and forms for cost-effective health insurance and third-party liability.  All counties are required to adopt the updated policies and procedures immediately.  Information can be found in Bulletin #18-21-06.

Requested Actions Needed From MACSSA:  

New Trends in This Area:  The Periodic Data Match Field Test is scheduled to begin at the end of this month.  This will give DHS, Counties and MNIT a chance to evaluate the PDM process to ensure it is working as planned.  Matthew Freeman, County Relations Director, sent a document via email to County partners on July 11 that details the process.  Please see attached if you did not receive it.

 Issues/Concerns Regarding This Topic:  

Legislative Impacts:  

Supporting Materials:
 2018-06-26 METS-ESC-PDM-Field-Test-Handout

Contact(s):  Kari Ouimette

© Minnesota Association of County Social Service Administrators

125 Charles Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55103

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