
LTSS Update - February 2018

Key Highlights This Month:  

(information provided at the January HCBS CSWG)

 “Life Sharing” – Scott Schifsky, DHS (community capacity team)

Also known as Shared Living, Host Home, Foster Care, etc.

Is about the importance of relationships.  Life sharing is people sharing their lives by living together under the same roof as a family.  Relationship Based

MN Statute 273.9 Section 42 Shared Living Model

(Power Point)

What makes it work? What is our vision? – slide 14 – 16

Who is involved? What do they do? – slide 17 – 21

  • Family – understand the person based on their person-centered plan
  • Umbrella agency – provides a support coordinator or family living specialist, recruit, train and quality monitoring, coordinate respite care, paperwork in partnership, contracting with the family, fiscal management, ongoing support. 
  • State/County Roles – licensing review of Umbrella agency, administer funding/contracting/certification of Umbrella agencies, Promotion of Life Sharing.  Currently researching licensing variance options.

 This service would be exempt from federal tax.

There will be a request for participants from MACSSA for a workgroup with Scott.

 Individual Community Living Support (ICLS) – Mike Saindon, DHS

For EW/AC – ICLS is a bundled service by a single provider that supports EW and AC participants that need reminders cues intermittent or moderate supervision or physical assistance to remain in their home.  The home must be the residence of the recipient (either their home or apartment). 

Six service categories:

  • ADLs
  • Household management assistance (IADLs)
  • Health, safety and wellness oversight (as required under MN Statute 245D and as identified in the ICLS service plan
  • Community living engagement (meaningful engagement in life, participation in community activities, etc. Can include transportation)
  • Adaptive support – to assist the ICLS participant adopt ways to meet needs that encourages self-sufficiency and reduce reliance on human assistance
  • Active cognitive support provided face to face or remotely using real-time two-way communication.

ICLS Planning – ICLS needs to be identified in the collaborative care plan or format by the health plan.  eDoc: DHS-3751-ENG  https://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Public/DHS-3751-ENG

245D basic support service provider and Comprehensive Home Care provider, chapter 144A with a home and community -based services designation (245D basic home care provider designation)


Currently 40 ICLS providers statewide – can be found on MNHelp

ICLS - To find a list of current ICLS providers go to www.mnhelp.info and click the link Waiver Programs (middle-left side).  When you are on the Waiver Programs page, type in Individual Community Living Support, click enter then you will see the 40 currently enrolled providers

 National Core Indicators Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) – Mary Olsen Baker, DHS and Julie Angert and Miriam DeVaney.

Purpose is to learn how well HCBS are supporting people.  The NCI-AD interview is hoe DHS hears directly from people about how well the services and supports they receive help them live, work and engage in their community. 

Participants: 90,000 older adults and people with disabilities who currently receive services to help them remain home and in their communities. EW/AC/BI/CADI/CAC/DD and Home Care Services.

MN participates in order to

  • report on the quality of life and experiences of people served
  • inform improvements to current services
  • support efforts to develop new services and initiatives

This year is the third year of the survey.  Data can be segregated by race/ethnicity to help with addressing disparity and equity.

Results from the 2016 NCI-AD are available online: https://nci-ad.org/states/mn/

 HCBS Access Project (handouts)

Multi-year project (2016-2018) to assess, monitor and evaluate HCBS access. 



Individualized Home Supports (IHS) – Stephen Horn, DHS

Designed for BI, CAC and CADI.  Similar to SLS for DD waiver. (Draft CBSM handout)

HIS – designed to be wholistic to provide training and support in the person’s own home.

Four broad areas:

  • Community participation
  • Health, safety and wellness
  • Household management
  • Adaptive skills

Remote support: can be delivered remotely in real-time two-way communication – phone, secure video, etc. – to supplement the face to face services delivery. 

There will be additional documentation required by providers related to remote support. 

Rate is built off of the ILS framework rate.

Draft CBSM page will need to be posted for public comment.  The service has already been approved by CMS.

 MnCHOICES Update – Lori Miller, DHS

 Support plan updates – mentors are receiving communications to keep agencies informed.  Work/evaluation is being done regarding the random slowness. There is a determination that the issue is related to “nodes” which is how information comes into the plan.  There will be an addition of two more nodes for a total of 4 and will take 2-3 weeks.


If continued slowness – contact the help desk with if you are in node one or two and what is being done at the time.  This will inform what needs to be done moving forward.


18.1 release – to include second phase of printing and a copy feature.  To be released in March

18.3 release – work will shift to making changes to accommodate MnCHOICES 2.0


MnCHOICES 1.0 update

One more release in March – 18.1 – the release will increase the speed.

External UAT (User Acceptance Test) with assessors

After March – all resources will go to MnCHOICES 2.0 and 1.0 will not have additional changes, will be maintenance environment.


MnCHOICES 2.0 Timeline – July 1, 2019 implementation with counties and tribes.  Managed care for January 2020.

2.0 informal content testing questions – 27 counties, 1 tribe participating.  Limited feedback at this point has been positive. 


MMIS Edits are moving forward. DD guardianship status, remove requirement when CFR changes for DD waiver and phone update for DD assessment.

Legislative changes (handouts)

Waiver amendment – change of condition assessment by phone and align 65th birthday will next assessment.  These are currently being vetted internally at DHS.

Requested Actions Needed From MACSSA:  

New Trends in This Area:  

Continued focus on MnCHOICES

Issues/Concerns Regarding This Topic:  

Legislative Impacts:  

Supporting Materials:  

Supporting Materials:


Topic Owner:  Deb Sjostrom

Content Experts: Louella Kaufer, Andrea Zuber, Beth Price  

© Minnesota Association of County Social Service Administrators

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