
Moderization Update - July 2018

Key Highlights This Month:  

Update on Governance and Communication Planning for MACSSA; Modernization Steering Committee

-          Bina has been working on a charter and setting a specific date for the group to get together. We had looked at the first Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm, however the first meeting had to be cancelled because of schedules. Current members are participants in the governance workgroups.

IHSM (Integrated Human Services Modernization) ESC (Executive Steering Committee)

-          On Monday, July 9, the Enterprise Architecture Board (EAB) made decisions related to the annual planning/implementation of advance planning document updates (P/IAPD-Us). We appreciate your support over the next few weeks as we work on a very tight schedule to ensure submission of these updates by August 1. Here is an overview of the decisions that EAB made:

  • Minnesota Eligibility Technology System (METS):
    • $45 million to support continued development based on priorities established by the METS Program Management Team (PMT) and the Integrated Human Services Modernization Executive Steering Committee (the FY18 budget to support METS development was $42M)
  • Electronic Visit and Verification (EVV):
    •  $3.03 million
    • $3.16 million for the Encounter Alert System and Health Information Technology

-          For ISDS and MMIS modernization, EAB took an approach that will allow some additional time to determine which projects will be worked on in 2019. This includes an as-needed APD update to be submitted on November 1, 2018 and to be effective January 1, 2019. EAB approved submitting a timely APD update (by August 1) to secure approval to spend ½ of FFY18 underspending as outlined below. This will allow some additional time to complete roadmaps for both the ISBM and IT modernization.

  • Integrated Service Delivery System (ISDS):
    • $1.5 million to support the implementation of the Integrated Services Business Model
    • $23.5 million to continue the scope of activities in the currently approved APD
  • Licensing
    • $2.3 million to continue the scope of activities in the currently approved APD
  • MMIS Modernization
    • $8.95 million to continue the scope of activities in the currently approved APD (including MPSE, WebCATCH and modernization)

Legacy systems conversations

-          A meeting was held to discuss the pros/cons of using leveraging legacy systems to create incremental changes that move us in a positive direction towards modernization. This does not negate the work being done in Curam (for example), but rather how do use what works well.

-          One conversation point is the narrative to this point that legacy systems need to be replaced because they are outdated, people don’t know them anymore, etc. These statements may be true; but it’s also true leveraging aspects of what those systems do well may help get us to a new modern system more effectively.

ISBM (Integrated Services Business Model)

  1. Effective immediately, MNIT and DHS will freeze all new hiring, including backfilling positions and contractors, for ISDS and MMIS APD funded positions unless an exception is granted by the DHS Deputy Commissioner and MNIT@DHS Chief Business Technology Officer. This freeze does not currently apply to the METS program or to DHS or MNIT base budget funded resources.
  2. Beginning immediately, the IHSM ESC shall consult with DHS, county and MNIT project sponsors to begin the process of stopping or de-scoping the work of some of the inflight ISDS and MMIS APD-funded projects due to the prioritization discussions within governance bodies thus far. This ESC will provide direction to MNIT program managers who will work with project teams to develop an approach for logically stopping or de-scoping appropriate projects, including the timelines for transitioning impacted projects.
  3. By September 1, using the DHS IT Modernization Strategic Plan as a framework, EAB shall establish priority goals for the next 1, 3 and 5 years, including how METS fits with these priorities.
  4. The Business Solutions Office shall consult with the BADT and IHSM ESC in the creation of a project team(s) (that includes MNIT, DHS and county participants) charged with developing an Integrated Services Business Model roadmap and a 1-3 year technology modernization roadmap that align to EAB priorities. These roadmaps shall be presented to and vetted with the appropriate architectural domain teams. The ISBM roadmap shall be approved by BADT, and the IHSM ESC will present the technology modernization roadmap to EAB no later than October 1. 
  5. By September 1, MNIT leadership shall propose to EAB an approach and timeline to:
  • further review the use of Curam for modernization efforts (including considerations of what additional development is still necessary in METS)
  • consider sustainability implications for existing systems (for the purposes of overall financial planning considerations)
  • consider how we might leverage existing systems to achieve the modernization roadmap
  1. By September 1, the Financial Architecture Domain Team (FADT) shall develop and/or refine financial standards, considering strategies to maximize federal reimbursement, to apply to the APDs (i.e., definitions of overhead, overall, etc. and in certain cases, maximum thresholds). FADT shall identify additional subject matter expertise that may need to be consulted to develop such standards. These standards shall be presented to EAB for approval.
  2. By September 1, the Financial Operations Division of DHS will work with the MNIT@DHS finance team to develop a financial review process that considers future development costs and long-term operational costs associated with APDs. This process shall be imbedded in the review process for the as needed P/IAPD updates.


-          Is not frozen relative to the conversation at EAB on delaying projects for ISBM or MMIS.  

-          The chosen approach will involve a brief “turn on” of PDM starting in late July and running through one full PDM cycle, with affected cases closing on September 30. The testing period will be used as an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of PDM’s general functionality, related worker training and communications, MMIS interfaces and member notices generated.

DIGT (New data team replacing DADT)

-          Met on 7/10 and Scott was not able to attend and will follow up when minutes come out.  

-          Starting a Unique person ID project. Denise Moreland is the project lead and will reflect the urgency this is and should be a priority.


-          No Update at this time. a local problem.


-          Not much has changed. The Feds have some additional questions.


-          DHS will still not commit on a system to run SSIS. This means that Server Centralization will be paused until MNiT makes a decision.

-          Federal Systems compliance requires plan by August 2018. We should not be to far off.

IT Alignment meeting – Meeting is on July 13th.

-          Triage Referral continues to proceed and updates are being made to Curum to accommodate the project. Realistically it is a year out.

-          Appeals is rolling out.

-          MnChoices 2 is continuing


  1.  MEC2 Java version – Ken Bauer (MN.IT)
  2. Data Integration Governance Team (DIGT) – connection to IT Alignment Group – Mike Oanes and Lisa Barnidge
  3. Role of IT Alignment group in executing modernization strategic plan – Chris and All
  4. New business and updates – All
  5. APD summary – Priorities and scope for 2019 DHS modernization work – Michelle Weber and Chris

Requested Actions Needed From MACSSA:  None at this time.

New Trends in This Area:  APD is driving a lot of questions and efforts at this time. 

Issues/Concerns Regarding This Topic:   

In the new IT governance structure, the Integrated Human Services Modernization Executive Steering Committee (IHSM ESC), in consultation with the Business Architecture Domain Team (BADT), is responsible to determine the new function-based Program Management Team (PMT) structure for modernization work. The original governance transition timeline had targeted having the new PMTs in place by June 1, and to sunset existing PMTs at that time. The IHSM ESC has been meeting frequently. Recognizing the need to allow enough time to first determine the new PMT structure and sort through the details of the transition, the governance transition sponsors, Chuck Johnson and Greg Poehling, have approved an extension. This conversation will be picked back up once APD process is complete.

Legislative Impacts:  

There are some financial limitations that may inform future legislative needs 

Supporting Materials:  


Marti Fischbach – Modernization Co-Lead; IHSM ESC Co-chair

Brad Vold – Modernization Co – Lead; BADT member

Gary Sprynczynatyk – SSIS

Scott Jara – Data/DIGT

Chris Lancrete – IT Alignment; IHSM ESC member

Deb Huskins – Mets; BADT co-chair

Todd McMurray – PRISM

Julie Ellis – MnChoices

Jane Hardwick, Nicole Names, Denise Moreland - EAB


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