
Modernization Update - December 2017

Key Highlights This Month:  

5-year Strategic Plan

  • 12/15/17 is the last all-day meeting to complete that work.

Data Architecture Design Team:

  • MN.IT/DHS is working on changing data platforms. Phase 1 – Set up data models in new platform with least amount of rework. Phase 2 would include new data models and new reporting capabilities.

IT Alignment workgroup

  • Chris and Vince presented to the MACSSA membership on the efforts of this group in December. A couple more counties Wadena and Anoka plan to join the group.


  • The electronic forms proposal that Hennepin may be able to provide support to statewide efforts on forms was voted on at the last MACSSA meeting. This effort is moving forward; a meeting with DHS and MN.IT is being scheduled.

Child Support/PRISM (same status as last month)

  • Child Support Division is still waiting to move forward with the Planning Advance Planning Document (PAPD), and are working with the Functional Model and Human Services Delivery Model. In a nutshell, CSD is still in a holding pattern, at the moment. On hold until 5 year strategic plan is done.


  • Continuing to work with DHS to influence and provide advice on prioritization of upcoming changes.
  • There are several counties doing small pilots on segments of the new MNChoices changes, but it’s not clear if these will feel piece-mealed or come together, save time and be more efficient.

Integrated Service Business Model

  • This project is wrapping up, the last project meeting occurred on 12/12/17. Next steps are a follow-up for a 2 day retreat with APHSA to develop a roadmap.


  • With the delay of the single instance alignment deploy, there won’t be additional functionality in the summer release in 2018.
  • PDM functionality will start to be implemented in January 2018. Once tested, DHS will be able to give counties an estimate of the work coming. The first batch will be the end of the March.
  • The MACSSA (Hennepin and Dakota) ISDS ESC and PMT members will be reviewing and planning for the ISDS Regional group for 2018. The regional group was put in place to represent all state regions and support the ISDS county governance teams. Attendance has been low and input opportunities haven’t been frequent as we thought would be needed.


  • There have been some changes to the staffing in Child Safety & Permanency. They have 13 new positions that were added to be able to provide Help Desk support. 

Requested Actions Needed From MACSSA:  None right now

New Trends in This Area:  

  • News of an updated governance structure is starting to get formalized. This will include ISDS, ESC, PMT, DADT, BADT, and the rest of the domain teams. We expect to see a finalized governance plan once the 5-year technology strategic plan is complete.
  • Some discussion about how counties are working with external partners on common platforms. This topic will be brought to the IT Alignment Group and there may be other venues. 

Issues/Concerns Regarding This Topic: 

  • Continued MnChoices technology challenges for staff.

Legislative Impacts:  

  • AMC is concerned about timing and additional workload of PDM and considering bringing forth a suggestion to the legislature to pilot with a few counties before full roll-out. 

Supporting Materials:  



Owners: Brad Vold and Marti Fischbach

Experts: SSIS – Gary Sprynczynatyk; PRISM - Todd McMurray; Chisago MnChoices – Julie Ellis; METS/MAXIS – Deb Huskins; Technology – Chris Lancrete/Hennepin

Data – Scott Jara

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125 Charles Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55103

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