
Modernization Update - February 2018

Key Highlights This Month:  

5-year Strategic Plan

  • Meeting today, 2/8/18, on placing County Staff on the workgroups that are being developed.  
  • Trying to complete the work by the end of the month.  Four teams in the plan are; people, communication, innovation and governance. Roadmap is being developed. Chris is on the Governance and Innovation teams.

Data Architecture Design Team:

  • Looking at options for Counties to have access to Tableau Reports. Troy Stein, Mn-IT, has been working on this.
  • Starting to create data standards and are starting with Addresses.
  • EDMS and E-forms were discussed and might leverage Hennepin County for their experience.

IT Alignment workgroup

  • Meet on February 9th. Curum History and what are Counties doing with texting of clients.


  • The electronic forms proposal that Hennepin may be able to provide support to statewide efforts on forms was voted on at the last MACSSA meeting. This effort is moving forward; a meeting with DHS and MN.IT is being scheduled.

Child Support/PRISM (same status as last month)

  • The request for the PAPD (Planning Advance Planning Document) funding is now going to a higher level in the next week. CSD released the RFP on Monday 2/5/18.


  • Testing and surveying of MnChoices 2. Stearns has two participants. State is testing domains that are not completed. Will need to look at the comprehensive and efficient nature of the system. Counties are involved.
  • Finalized a contract for testing reliability with a provider. Will end the middle of February.
  • Projected target date for MN Choices 2 is the first quarter of 2019.

Integrated Service Business Model

  • Presentation at MACSSA on the 2 day retreat held with APHSA on January 24th and 25th.
  • Four main categories with an overlay of racial equity: Governance, Narrow starting point, simplification, and organizational learning and culture change. Plan for short, mid-term and long term goals. Complicated communication plan is being developed. Will help inform the 5 year strategic plan.


  • Two separate Cúram instances are METS and SMRT.  Plan was to merge the instances into alignment this summer.  Now it became apparent to some people that there were some significant risks.  Those were brought to project team and a decision was made to put alignment on hold until there is more understanding of risk and how to reduce that risk.  Project put together recommended initiatives for the CIA discovery effort, including concerns and outlining the need to discover what actual problems, causes, and how to plan and move forward. 
  • PDM updates were done in January to the system. Presentation in February at MACSSA. State can do dry runs to ensure stability.


  • CWISS enhancement program from Feds are being added – RFP to bring in consultant to firm up CWISS plans and work with the Feds
  • Centralized Service is continuing. Gary presented on the project at MACSSA in January.

Requested Actions Needed From MACSSA:  

New Trends in This Area:  

  • News of an updated governance structure is starting to get formalized. This will include ISDS, ESC, PMT, DADT, BADT, and the rest of the domain teams. We expect to see a finalized governance plan once the 5-year technology strategic plan is complete.
  • Some discussion about how counties are working with external partners on common platforms. This topic will be brought to the IT Alignment Group and there may be other venues.

Issues/Concerns Regarding This Topic:

  • Communication between DHS, Counties and MN.It as modernization efforts and the ISDS roadmap are developed or adjusted.

Legislative Impacts:  

  • AMC is concerned about timing and additional workload of PDM and considering bringing forth a suggestion to the legislature to pilot with a few counties before full roll-out.
  • County Leadership on Electronic Forms Modernization was supports as a position statement for this legislative session. Would not result in change in statute or rule, but rather allow for conversation with DHS on allowing Counties to work with DHS and maybe even take a lead in forms development during modernization efforts. All but 9 counties have responded to a survey and DHS will be reaching out to those.

Supporting Materials:  


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