
Modernization Update - March 2019

Key Highlights This Month:

MACSSA Modernization Steering Committee met on 3/13/19; see full notes for more information. Highlights:

  • Chris Lancrete will join the EAB, replacing Denise Moreland. Will need a replacement on the I-ESC. (Pam will follow up to get a description and send out an appointment request.)
  • Discussed EAB decision points for their meeting this week, re APD & Finances, and Curam.
  • If county members on any group have anything they think is specifically important to counties, they can ask staff to include it in the meeting minutes. The group felt this would not be a significante way to communicate with MACSSA members, and while it wouldn't hurt, we should keep looking for more informative methods.
  • Discussed potential METS position statement. There was not agreement, so Eric will take comments and circulate another version via email so that it could go to the MACSSA March meeting.
  • Eric and Tina reported on a meeting with Doua Chang, DHS Business Solutions. There is a gap with Bina Nikrin's departure, and discussed some different ways to staff that position/work.
  • Future agenda items: Walking through the Modernization Strategic Plan with Sarah Small, and DHS conversation about best ways for counties to participate in governance.

Enterprise Architecture Board (EAB)

EAB is looking at the amount of money available to either improve METS or move money into the ISBM work such as assessment and triage. What should we recommend to the membership? They meet on March 28th.

In addition to the APD financial and process information, the I-ESC presented proposed goals and criteria for FFY2020 APD prioritization. EAB will continue to discuss strategic priorities with I-ESC at future meetings, but voted in support of the direction of the I-ESC proposal and continued efforts.

EAB received an update and initial draft from their subgroup working on proposed updates to the Modernization Strategic Plan. Work will continue and the topic will return at a February meeting.

An overview of conference calls with other states (Arkansas, Ohio, North Carolina, and Michigan) undertaking human services modernization was presented. The calls are focused on approaches, results and learnings from experiences with systems modernization initiatives. More calls will take place with other relevant states in the future.

Integrated Human Services Executive Steering Committee (I-ESC)

  • Met on March 6 and 7 and meet again on March 13th.
  • Chris Lancrete will join the EAB.
  • Members continued work on APD planning, including reviewing projects by FFY19 APD category. They also updated project portfolio scoring spreadsheets with project finish dates and scope.
  • Members reviewed and voted to approve a proposal developed by a joint I-ESC and BADT subgroup for maintenance and operations work. The proposal outlined the categories of work that are in and out of scope, along with processes, procedures, and reporting guidelines. The proposal will now go to the EAB for review.

Minnesota Eligibility Technology System (METS) Health Care PMT

  • Met on March 5 and 7.
  • Members received an update about the Feb. 28 EAB meeting, where the PMT’s IAPD project priorities were shared, and where EAB set a financial target for FFY20 METS Health Care IAPD projects. A MNIT recommendation shared at the EAB meeting was the need for the 2020 Cúram Upgrade. PMT members will be reviewing additional information about the business value for the upgrade at an upcoming meeting.
  • Members discussed funding for FFY19 discovery work. They will receive more information at an upcoming meeting.
  • Members worked on responses to several questions from the Feb. 22 METS ESC meeting.
  • The group reviewed the close report for the Carrier Integration-ESOR, Loading Multiple Transactions project.
  • Members worked on the FFY20 roadmap and APD planning, including reconfirming the deployment plan for release 19.4, reviewing project funding sources, and gathering project costs. They also talked about next steps for aligning 2020 priorities with the 2019 roadmap.
  • The group discussed urgency for ensuring METS compliance for 2018 law changes and identified next steps.
  • Scheduled to meet next on March 12.

Requested Actions Needed From MACSSA:  Nothing right now.

New Trends in This Area:  

Communication and education with AMC is a focus right now as well as trying to figure out if counties collectively have the bandwidth to fill all the governance roles. 

Issues/Concerns Regarding This Topic:  

Going through some growing pains with regards to know that we are being included in so much of the governance structure, how do we find the capacity to fill all of the roles.

Legislative Impacts:  

There are some financial limitations that may inform future legislative needs 

Supporting Materials:  


Marti Fischbach – Modernization Co-Lead; IHSM ESC Co-chair

Brad Vold – Modernization Co – Lead; BADT member

Jane Hardwick, Stephanie Radtke, Chris Lancrete - EAB


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